LOVE... who am I to talk about this subject...something I haven't been exposed to yet. Yup, yes you're reading about this subject from someone who has no experience in this field what-so-ever. What more marriage..... hmmphhh!!!!
Sometimes when I listen to all my friends talking about their love and marriage life, it kind of makes me wonder when I would be able to take the gondola down the canal of romance to see what things are like on that side. Some say take your time, just wait as good things come to those who wait. To me, I'm fine with things now (as I tell them) being able to do things and go places without having to consult the other half for permission. Of course my friends think I'm in denial saying I should get out more often and not be so choosy.
How am I to be choosy when I don't know what I want?
I guess it would be all the normal traits in a guy that a girl would look for... trustworthy, honest, loving, funny, caring...etc... of course I would want a guy who can dance too since it's something I really love. But in a relationship there is always the give and take; being able to compromise and of course look after each other for the rest of our lives.
In this modern day and time, is marriage a trend or a requirement??? To those who have 'old school' parents and their 'old' upbringing methods, then I guess it would be a milestone to achieve before the girl reaches her mid 20s before the BIG 30?? To others (making an assumption, correct me if I'm wrong) it would be something they could either do for companionship or forgo completely. There are instances of course where both parties agree to stay together without the binding 'wedding ring' on their fingers but with the upbringing and religious teachings, there would also be the doubting question of PMS (pre-marital sex and not pre-menstrual syndrome ya).
There is also the case where having a wife is considered an 'accessory' to have?!! It helps the guy to climb the corporate ladder showing his softer side (besides all the shoes he would need to polish.. kidding.. hehhe). Guys, sowwie if you think I'm being a b**** but sometimes it's the reality of life I must say. Then again it's my opinion and a general assumption, so sue me...??
Thank God my mother doesn't breathe down my neck, asking when I would get married and give her grand kids to spoil. I guess she knows her daughter very well not to force things down my throat. Call me a stubborn, hopeless romantic but I'm that type of a person and no one can change that (sowwie). All those knights in shinning armour on a white horse coming to sweep me off my feet and take me to some far away land has a big impact on me. Think it was all those Disney oriented cartoons I've been watching since I was a kid. Believe me I still cry at soppy love stories (movies or books) while my friends think I'm such a wuss.
Anyhow, to those that have found their soul mate, congratulations and may the two of you live a wonderful and complete life together till death do you both part. For those who have already found their special someone and will begin their journey of life as husband and wife, my heartfelt best wishes to the both of you. To those who are still trying to find that special someone, don't give up and don't fret... good things come to those who wait and I'm sure you'll find that someone soon.
As for me, I guess I would have to wait until the suitable one comes along. Sometimes I guess I'm not that sensitive to those who might be interested as I consider them as my closest and dearest friends. But if things were written that I live this world alone then so be it. Yes, yes I can hear some of my friends screaming their lungs out at me for saying that sentence but whatever.
Hence, my opinionated story and views on the famous topic of love and marriage. Sowwie should I have angered, hurt and insulted anyone or any gender in this write-up.....
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