Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Dear Diary....

Dear Diary...

Looked up the internet to see what could help ease the troubled me...

Apples, Oranges and Pears... Grains, Wholewheat and Oats....

Magical items that is said to reduce blood sugar content... To believe or not to believe...

Require to start this change in food intake ASAP..


Daniel said...

hey... not forgetting the BP too.. ;p

Maggiemee said...

Bee-Pee Schmeee Pee...Me taking one thing at a time... Too kan cheong to reduce the BP at the moment ler...Wa wa wa...But you still owe me Klang BKT, Fried Lala Meehoon, Klang Pan Mee and Klang Cendol!!!! (drooling...)