Monday, November 3, 2008

Yeast Goods... Part Four

Krispy Kreme, Dunkin Doughnuts, J.Co and Big Apple.....

To me nothing beats the fresh, homemade smell and taste of doughnuts... YUMMIE

Above is the picture of our products: jam filled, mini sugar and cinnamon sugar. I brought two boxes filled with those for my housemates and they gobbled up everything in 2 days!!

Now they want me to make more of them so that they can eat. Told them they would have to wait until summer comes around for me to ferment the yeast at home with the heat. Currently spring in Melbourne is like winter with the sun shinning hot and the wind blowing cooooollldd....

Anyhow, this batch was heavenly. Can't wait for next week to see what else we are going to churn out from the mixing bowl...

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