Specially like to thank Daniel and everyone for all the Xmas and New Year wishes. Also thank you for kindly visiting this slow and out-dated blog since I started my yearly 3-week Xmas hibernation period. Daniel kinda makes me sound like a big gigantic fury cuddly bear saving up energy to get up hunting fish the next season... hehehehehehehe.
To tell you the truth, Father Time made the 3 weeks passed by so fast that I felt like I just only started yesterday. Gone are the days where I woke up at 11am, ate my lunch at 2pm and watched CSI Las Vegas Season 1 - 3 till my eyes popped out of their sockets! Mind you I still have Season 4 not touched yet.... Not to mention my short holiday in Singapore with Alene which was a blast!!!
I can't really say that I'm happy back in the corporate rat race again and I wouldn't be honest if I say that I'm not cause then I won't be getting paid for the work done!! (Please make sure you don't quote me)
As for New Year resolutions, hmmm.... a friend asked me what mine was this morning. I told him that I've decided not to make any as every year when I do, I never end up getting there let alone achieving what I planned at the beginning at all. It's like saying I wanna loose 10lbs but end up putting on half of that on my hips from the Xmas goodies!
What do you think about resolutions? Make them and keep em? Or make them, try to keep them but end up having to throw them out the window?
One thing is for sure, 2008 is going to be a year where this instant noodle is going to take risks never taken before - GETTING REBONDING DONE!!! (to get rid of my curly shape so you won't get curly mee, but straight mee... heheheheh)
(laughing) Actually my friends, it's the total opposite - getting a new look for Chinese New Year and that would be enhancing my natural curls for something a bit more sassy (hide the age factor too) and taking risks that I've not taken before.
Whatever the resolution or goal that you have set for yourselves, I wish you all the very best and may they all come true!!
May 2008 bring everyone loads of HEALTH, WEALTH and HAPPINESS!!!
Nouvelle Année Heureuse!!!
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