Friday, November 30, 2007

French for Beginners!!!


Yesterday I attended my very first class in Damansara Uptown....

Boy was I one confused monkey man.... I couldn't understand a word the teacher was trying to make my peanut-sized brain comprehend!

Not to mention since I didn't have enough sleep the night before, nothing was getting absorbed by my processor. Now I think I know why I wasn't such a smart-ass in school ler.

Of course Rizal says it takes time to understand, plus since it was class #1 out of the whole course. His Korean language classes are also taking the 'best' out of him as well. He started his classes last month and is slowly but surely surviving his ordeal.

Ok.. ok... I shouldn't be calling this an ordeal but a new phase to things that are coming for me. And learning French is a plus point for especially since I've sorted out my plans for my upcoming future.

My next class will on Monday at 7.00pm. Wonder what it's going to be like?? Been scrolling throught the web and listening to audio files and podcasts to "French for Beginners" and slowly understanding what I couldn't comprehend last night. Pronouncing the 26 alphabets, counting and greetings in french is kinda tricky. Had to even spell my FULL NAME in french last night!! Not to mention I had 8 pairs of eyes and ears (including the teacher) staring at me and waiting to hear what I needed to pronounce.... eeeeeeeee!!!

J'espère que je peux le faire!

I hope I won't make a spectacle of myself in the next class...

Till then... Au Revior!!


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