Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Coping with Changes

Changes.... good or bad???

Most of the time, people don't tend to welcome changes in their life. They tend to find changes annoying and troublesome. Usually one is already in their 'comfort zone' doing what they always do.... their day in and day out routine. So if they are asked to approach things in a different way.....they resist and get pissed.
Later when they are cooled down and given the explanation to the change, there would be no choice but to compromise, accept and execute the required. Changes usually bring better work flow, increased productivity, organised documentation, dagger like stares at the person who requested the changes, cursing and swearing behind those who ask for the changes, isolation during lunch and office functions, 'he's sucking up to the boss, so that's why he asked for the changes' kinda looks, major name calling and last but not least 'he's just creating more work for us like we don't have enough on our plates already' comments.
Maybe 3 months down the line after the changes are imposed and carried out would everyone 'see the light' and realise how those changes have enriched their lives while working. And of course the person who imposed those changes can sleep, eat and walk easily around in the office and at home.
One just needs to take the risk to do a change and manage it properly....As for me I am the person who implemented the change, took the risk and am now waiting to see the rebuttal, arguments and maybe cynical remarks from my colleagues...
Pray for ME.....

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